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The Best Activities On Holidays In Ibiza-diving

The Best Activities On Holidays In Ibiza-diving

The Best Water Activities In Ibiza

Curso de buceo PADI en Ibiza

Reading time 5 minutes, updated content 2022

Below, we present a small summary of the best activities that you can do in Ibiza, because Ibiza is not only party and dance, being an Island we have more than 60 beaches scattered along more than 200 kilometers of coastline and where always you can find a calm sea to practice them.


Holidays in Spain are extremely popular with international tourists and over the last few decades, many have flocked to Spain for its wonderfully warm weather and beautiful beaches. Just across the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, you’ll find the Balearic Islands, which is made up of more than 52 small islands.

This archipelago of islands is made up of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera and Cabrera.

The most popular of these islands are Mallorca and Ibiza. Ibiza has been one of the main tourist destinations in Spain during the summer months and one of its main attractions was its excellent cosmopolitan nightlife.

Because the clubs in Ibiza have been pumping out the latest songs from top DJs for over 30 years, you will find plenty of nightlife in Ibiza during the summer months. Ibiza clubs have kept many tourists coming back every year. But now things are changing and many are coming back for very different reasons.

But what about Ibiza itself, it’s not just about the nightlife. Ibiza has a selection of wonderful beaches and many interior landscapes are amazing, pine forests and blue seas in the background, whose crystal clear waters are almost nowhere to be found.

For the tourist who just explores the islands on a motorcycle or rents a car, you might think they’ve done it all. For others, lounging on the beach and relaxing is a way to enjoy their idyllic Ibiza vacation.

But many other people are increasingly looking for activities, sports, things to do and see in Ibiza. Therefore, it is important to note that times are changing very quickly and people are willing to do more activities during their vacations, that is, to feel active and not passive beings.


This paradigm shift in the tourism industry has generated new highly sustainable business models that reinforce local branding, attracting a public that is more respectful of the environment, with greater purchasing power and that require a more competitive water sports offer. respectful, committed and sustainable with the environment.

For this reason, in recent years the three most sustainable and booming aquatic activities in Ibiza are:

  1. Bucear en Ibiza
  2. Hacer Snorkel en Ibiza
  3. Navegar por Calas y Cuevas en Ibiza


Buceo en Ibiza

certificado PADIso you can dive anywhere in the world is what you can do on your vacation.

We are a PADI 5 star dive center and we specialize for beginners with our most popular courses like

PADI Discover Scuba Diving and the course PADI Open Water Diver.

Diving in Ibiza is one of the best experiences you can have during your holidays in Ibiza, it is a booming sport, where you will be in contact with nature and you will meet very interesting people.

Finally, if you have questions about diving, we recommend that you read the following link, introducción la buceo


 Hacer snorkel en Ibiza es una buena opción para aquellos que no quieren probar el buceo. Una serie de buenos sitios de buceo y esnórquel  se encuentran alrededor del área de San Antonio.

Si deseas ver las excursiones de snorkel que ofrecemos te invitamos a que visites nuestra página de excursiones de snorkel en Ibiza

Excursiones en barco de Snorkelling en biza

Además, en nuestra página de inmersiones al final, hay un mapa interactivo con los mejores puntos de inmersión y las mejores rutas para hacer snorkel de Ibiza como el que os mostramos a continuación.


Una variedad de deportes acuáticos  te esperan en la isla, comenzando con windsurf, wakeboard, esquí acuático, la navegación y mucho más.

Una actividad popular que ha aparecido en la escena durante los últimos años son las excursiones en barco  de calas y cuevas donde en una excursión en barco de tres horas visitarás las mejores calas y donde podrás practicar esnórquel en aguas cristalinas y rodeado de peces.

Cala Salada excursiones en barco en ibiza

Esta excursión de calas y cuevas tiene varios horarios, pero nosotros siempre recomendamos el de la puesta de sol, pues acabas la excursión en barco viendo la mágica puesta de sol de Ibiza, por lo que aquí os dejamos un link para que podáis leer y saber acerca de las  excursiones en barco en Ibiza de ensueño.


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