Brief description of the PADI Open Water Course in Ibiza
This is the 5-star course of PADI and guarantees that you can dive to a depth of 18 mt without the supervision of a Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Instructor, and rent equipment in the 5 continents. The course contains two differentiated parts, theory, which we develop online, and practice, which can be done in at least 3 half days. These parts are explained below.
- There is no minimum number of students, we will start with only you if necessary as we do it daily.
- It enables you to dive up to 18 mt everywhere.
- If you only have 3 mornings to do it, this is your PADI diving course.
- PADI Open Water Diver e-card included.
- Access to the padi open water manual for all your life.
- Online theory- 8 hours + 3 mornings, with 2 dives at 36 ft and 2 dives at 54 ft.
- Instruction, equipment, boat trips and online theory included.
- From 10 years old with depth limits.
Duration of the entire Course: 3 mornings minimum for practicals.
Max depth: 18mt
Location: San Antonio.
¿How Can I book the PADI Open Water Diver Course?
After the explanation of the contents of the Scuba Diving Course you can book straight in our platform.
Prerequisites: Open Water Diver (for 15 years old and above), Open Water Junior * (for 10 to 14 years old, having a limit of depth up to 12 m), also, to be able to do a PADI diving course, you must fill out some PADI forms, this course is not recommended for pregnant women, active asthmatics, diabetics, epileptics, people suffering from pneumothorax and ear problems. After making the last dives of the course,PADI recommends not to fly in the next 18 hours.
Online Theory of the PADI Open Water diver course
Includes the 5 theory modules of the Open Water manual, based on e-learning platform, exercises that you must complete at the end of each section. Once you’ve finished theory, you will do an easy exam (99% of students pass it).
Before carrying out the practices in the pool or confined waters, it is necessary to have completed the review of knowledge up to section 3 at least.
Practice of the PADI Open Water diver course
Confined Waters: 5 sessions in the pool or confined waters (bay 2 m approx. depth) where the Instructor will teach you the functionality of your equipment, you will perform exercises such as controlling your buoyancy with the vest, taking off your mask underwater and the regulator, along with other exercises that will provide you with the knowledge for a safe and adequate response in future time situations.
Open waters: You will make 4 supervised dives in open waters to a maximum depth of 18 mt in the last two, where you will practice the exercises learned and will take the theory to practice at sea, dives are taken place from our boat.
Duration Of the Padi Open Water Course
The duration of the course may vary depending on your availability and learning ability, but to be able to do it requires a minimum of 3 mornings, as shown below and for guidance.
Firstly after booking, we will send you the codes to access the online platform, so that you can read them quietly until section three, and fill in the questions at the end of the section, or if you wish to finish all the theory online.
1st day
Training in confined waters ( 4 hr pprox.)
2nd day-09:30 am – 13:30
Two open water dives (dives are from our boat, leaving at 9:30 am and back at 13:30) descending up to 12 meters deep.
3rd day- 09:30 am – 13:30
Two open water dives (dives are from our boat, departing at 9:30 am and back at 13:30) descending up to 18 meters depth.
During those days, we will also meet at the school if necessary to resolve, together with the assigned instructors, any doubts about the theory.
FAQs of the Padi Open Water Course
Is the course difficult?
No, 99% of students achieve it.
I am not a very good swimmer, can I take the course?
Yes, as long as you meet the requirement to swim 300 meters in the time you want and float 10 minutes in the water without outsidthe e help.
In section prerequisites, I have a question.
¿What are the next PDI Courses ?
The next courses are PADI Advanced Open Water, and PADI Rescue Diver
Detailed description of the Padi Open Water Course
If you want to be a qualified diver, this is the scuba diving course you are looking for, as it prepares you to dive up to 18 meter depth on the 5 continents, rent equipment and dive without the presence of a Divemaster or Assistant Instructor or an Instructor, as it trains you to dive on your own.
This course is eminently practical, with an easy final exam, and with practical training.
The part of the theory can be done on your own online through the PADI Platform and learning.
Theory online is around 8 hr approx
The theory is totally necessary to be able to train you as a qualified diver, because you will learn with the help of our instructors the concepts that you will put into practice. Confined and open water sessions, will help you to develop the activity safely and under PADI standards.
The theory of the Open Water course well-explained explained sections, at the end of each section there is a review of knowledge to evaluate the evolution of your learning, any questions you have can be consulted to the instructor assigned to you.
Online theory Contents of the PADI Open Water Course
Section One: Being a Diver (Part I), basics of diving, diving equipment, care, and abilities in diving (Part I), the language of diving signals, along with technical procedures about practical exercises with your equipment such as the recovery of the regulator, clearing, mask management of air, descend and equalize the ears, all this theory will be implemented in the pool or confined water (small bay 2 mt of max depth) with a PADI Instructor.
Section Two: Being a Diver (Part II), the experience of diving, how it affects your senses, mastery of buoyancy, diving equipment (Part II), abilities in diving (Part II), all this theoretical part will be to practise in the pool or confined waters with the PADI Instructor.
Section three: Being a Diver (part III), environments and conditions in diving, evaluation of diving conditions, types of diving and coastal phenomena to be taken into account, entry, exit, and dive planning procedures. Problem Management and diving equipment (part III).
Section four: Diving equipment (Part IV), Being a Diver (part IV), use of the dive computer and dive tables (part I), dive planning, skills as a diver (part IV)
Section five: Use of the computer and dive tables (part II), be a diver (part V), skills as a diver (Part V)
Practice of the Padi Open Water Course
Pool / Confined Waters(2hr 30 min approx.) Once finished with the theory up to section 3, we will perform 5 practical modules in the pool, or in confined waters where the Instructor will teach you the functionality of your equipment, you will perform exercises such as controlling your buoyancy with the vest, taking off the mask under the water and the regulator, along with more complex exercises that will provide you with the knowledge of a safe and adequate response in any situations.
Open waters (4 dives of 50 minutes approx. each, done on two different mornings).
You take two supervised open water dives to a maximum depth of 12 m and 2 other dives going down to 18 m where you practice the exercises learned in section confined water and bear the theory into practice at sea under the supervision of our PADI instructors
Finally, we must emphasize that the learning curve of each one is different, and therefore the times are approximate.
For online theory, PADI gives you a maximum of 12 months to complete it.
The Scuba diving Course Includes
We include fees for issuing your e-card (scuba diving certification)
Training with instruction and guidance
The course includes the assignment of an instructor who will form you properly under the standards of PADI and who evaluates you for your subsequent certification.
Full equipment included and boat trips
Teaching materials
Online(lifetime access to the Open Water Diver manual)
Does not Include
*Hotel transfers, meals, and dives outside the course.
*If you are staying inside San Antonio and the Bay Area, morning pick-ups included to perform the dives.
Dives outside the Training
Courses do not include dives outside the training, that is, once the course finished, the dives are recreational and the current rates will apply.
The Next padi scuba diving course is the padi advanced open water diver
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